As many as 35 million Americans are
affected by seasonal allergies. During the spring, summer and fall months,
seasonal allergies are typically caused by the body’s reaction to pollen and
mold spores that are in the air. Here are some tips to avoid being exposed to
pollen and molds:
Control your environment. Knowing what you are allergic to and avoiding
those environments will help.
When pollen and mold levels are reported to be high, stay indoors.
Avoid hanging clothes or sheets outside to dry.
At night, keep windows closed and use air conditioning if needed.
Washing your pet clears them of irritants they may have picked up outside.
Keep windows closed while driving a car.
Steaming your face refreshes and soothes irritated sinuses.
Saline solution can help remove irritants that become lodged in the nose.
Drinking peppermint tea provides relief for clogged-up nose and irritants.