Even if
you can’t or don’t want to tally the calories you eat at every single meal or
snack, adopting these little portion control tips can help you consume fewer
calories without trying too hard. These tips can help you recognize what a
healthy portion looks like, which can help you keep calories in check:
Think of a
tennis ball. It’s the equivalent of one cup of food,
which is the recommended portion for such foods as pasta, cereal, and yogurt.
Don’t eat
straight out of the container. It’s a
recipe for mindlessly overeating. Instead, measure a serving size of whatever
you’re snacking on — almonds, soy chips, or other snacks — and put it on a
plate or in a bowl.
smaller plates. Trick your mind into thinking that you
have more food by downsizing your large dinner plate for a smaller salad-sized
one. A healthy portion can look teeny on a huge plate but will seem more normal
when you shrink its surroundings.
Spoil your
appetite with nutritious food. Try
eating celery sticks with peanut butter an hour before mealtime, You’ll eat
less at the meal and feel more satisfied later.