Thursday, September 27, 2012

Do You Know What’s on Your Food?

Pesticides and fertilizers are of growing concern, and more and more people are aware of their potential dangers. But now there are ways of learning just exactly what’s in the produce you eat.

A new website and accompanying app ( will help consumers make informed choices by explaining just what and how many chemicals and pesticides your food contains. Now you can opt for pesticide-free products instead of a nonorganic alternative.

 Meanwhile the nonprofit organization Environmental Working Group, which specializes in research into toxic chemicals, has listed a “dirty dozen” of produce with the highest pesticide load. These include apples, strawberries, peaches, spinach, nectarines, grapes, sweet bell peppers, celery, potatoes and lettuce. Some, of course, may be peeled to dramatically reduce pesticide residue, but what do you do about others?

It’s worth considering. According to experts, even small doses of chemicals can lead to poor health, especially for the most vulnerable – the elderly and the young.