Something that was truly understood by our ancestors, and is still appreciated in many countries around the world today, is the value of cutting out waste to save on costs. Human nature is such that the more money we have, the more wasteful we tend to be. We throw away perfectly serviceable items, only to go out and spend money on things that will do the job no better. Only when we find ourselves struggling to make ends meet do we start to take more care in spending. In the normal course of events, however, we could be saving a little bit here and a little bit there, which, at the end of the day, all adds up.
How many times have you thrown away an empty container and then picked up a plastic freezer box the next time you went to the store? How many times have you printed a page from your computer, read it once and thrown it away without using the reverse side of the paper and then gone out to buy more printer paper or a new notebook? How many times have you trashed things that could have earned you a few dollars if you had sold them in a yard sale?
It might only seem like a few cents, but should you ever find yourself hard up in the future, you might wish you had been more careful when you had the chance.